Don’t Let This Happen To You.
This was an exchange between my OB/GYN and I in 2016. This was right before my 36th birthday. This exchange has been forever etched into my memory. I will NEVER forget her name.
I just experienced a miscarriage and had concerns about my fertility, but I wanted to wait a little bit after my miscarriage and wanted to find out more about my fertility. I think about this moment a lot. I think about it because if I had known my AMH was so low, I would have done things differently. I’ll never forget this doctor’s name. When I went in to discuss my concerns with her. She dismissed my concerns and told me she started having kids at 37 and she was fine and I had time.
Needless to say, I switched gynecologists. I often wondered why she wouldn’t order the test. Why not check? Is it because she didn’t know much about the test? If so, why not just say, “you know, I don’t have much experience with this test.” I didn’t do enough reading on the topic. Had I known about the @eggwhisperer, I probably would have checked in with her to see where I was. I didn’t know this was an option or that I could check in with my fertility, even though that was exactly what I was looking for.
The moral of the story is that not all GYNs know that this is an option either. If you’re curious about your fertility, contact a fertility specialist early on. This will save you so much time and heartache. Most health plans don’t cover this, so it is cash pay that can make it difficult.
Did you have an experience like this with your GYN? Want to share it? DM me with your experience so we can educate young women about their fertility options.